Pricing Packages



For established restaurants and bakeries seeking maximum exposure

1 Business Listing
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Display Google Reviews
1 Event Listing
1 Offer Listing
Image Upload - Up to 3
No Videos
No Contact Number
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No Table Reservation Link


For established restaurants and bakeries seeking maximum exposure

5 Business Listings
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Display Business Address
Display Business Hours
Display Google Reviews
3 Event Listings
3 Offer Listings
Image Upload - Up to 10
3 Videos
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No Table Reservation Link


For established restaurants and bakeries seeking maximum exposure

10 Business Listings
Display Business Name
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Display Description
Display Business Address
Display Business Hours
Display Google Reviews
5 Event Listings
5 Offer Listings
Image Upload - Up to 20
5 Videos
Display Contact Number
Display Email Address
No Table Reservation Link


Ideal for expanding eateries seeking greater visibility

Unlimited Business Listings
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Display Business Hours
Display Google Reviews
Unlimited Event Listings
Unlimited Offer Listings
Image Upload - Unlimited
Unlimited Videos
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Display Table Reservation Link

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